Your Customers
Can Order Refills ONLINE
A comprehensive pharmacy
website designed to connect your
customers with your pharmacy
Free 30 day trial
With jobs, families and so many other responsibilities, your customers don't want to wait at your pharmacy for their refills.
Instead of bringing in prescription containers your customers will be able to go online and order prescription refills.
This will save your customers' time as well as your own. You will be able to maximize your efforts because you will be able to work on refills when you have the time to do it rather than rushing because an anxious customer is standing at the counter staring at you.
CALL US AT (800) 366-7135
We will give you an overview of the service
and will email you a link to the website that
will give you full information and your
Free 30 day trial
If you decide to continue the service
after your free trial your cost will be
only $59.00 per month.